
The infection causes a roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids. This roughening can lead to pain in the eyes, breakdown of the outer surface or cornea of the eyes, and eventual blindness. Untreate repeated trachoma infections can . Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden 1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), trachoma is responsible for the visual impairment of 2.

It is the leading infectious . What is the treatment for. This disease is a chronic keratoconjunctivitis caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. This condition is called trichiasis, and without immediate, corrective surgery, a person with trichiasis will slowly and painfully become blind.

Initial symptoms are conjunctival hyperemia, eyelid edema, photophobia, and lacrimation. Later, corneal neovascularization . A clean face and clean environment are the best protection against trachoma. It was reported as one of the seven most neglected tropical diseases that can be prevented via drug administration.

Its infliction is primarily aimed at those living in areas deprived of clean water and proper sanitation. Serotypes A, B, Ba, and C cause trachoma , and serotypes. Diagnosis of trachoma is by clinical examination which shows pale round spots (follicles) or further changes on the inner surface of the . A bacterial disease, trachoma is spread easily through contact with eye discharge of infected individuals and through transmission by flies attracted to eye discharge. After years of repeated infection, the inside of the eyelid may be scarred so severely . Achieving the goal would include eradicating trachoma in Australia, where it affects Indigenous communities in remote areas of the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

Australia is the only developed country where people still go blind from trachoma , a disease that can be prevented in childhood by . Repeated episodes of infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in childhood lead to severe conjunctival inflammation, scarring, and potentially blinding inturned eyelashes (trichiasis or entropion) in later life. About million people are visually impaired as a result of trachoma , and about million people have active disease. How many people are affected by trachoma ? Episodes of infection usually begin . Trachoma occurs in resource-poor areas . Learn how to prevent it.

In the Americas, trachoma is still endemic in Brazil, Guatemala, and Colombia. Leadership from experience: America takes a front seat to tackle ancient disease . General information about trachoma , origin, symptoms, distribution.

Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. Allen analyzes lessons from years of our grantmaking in support of trachoma control and elimination. The disease is endemic in countries in Latin.