A9O2WW1Lignende 13. Lastet opp av apetor Ice, snow and outdoor bathtub, winter is good. Oversett denne siden 25. He is from Norway, not russia. How Norwegians are born.
XvQzUQGC_Anonymous poster hash: 0a4d6.
Post with votes and views. Get the app to view all 3comments. I think this is the same guy who skates on ice in his underwear and dips his head in the water.
If not, i just got really descriptive for no reason. QmLpWoldGU8feature= autoplaylist. OdTYDzaL4list=WLindex=12. Vot i vypal pervyj sneg.
For me this was just such an amazing watch and of course then triggered the obsession and Flip mode for further new watches.
Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack. Mój poradnik picia wódki mówi mi Nie PiJ Ja poprostu nie. Ten Apetor ma zerwane śmigło i nie koniecznie prezentuje poglądy przeciętnego Norwega. The Norwegians have been doing this since the dawn of man.
The Star Wars that i used to know! Re: Različni video posnetki. Tako piko s tako brzino šofirat je pa že podvig.
Duh leaves kiss imprint of . Btw ten tenký ľad mi pripomenul sériu vidí on thin ice od jedného nórskeho tuleňa menom apetor napr. Rušenie rýb korčulovaním ? No to som ani netušil, že tu bude taká sranda. Ešte by sme to mohli rozbehnúť ,že rušenie dážďoviek . Ehk siis oluline on see watch ? In einem eisbedeckten Vodkasee mit der Schneedecke darüber. Nov 16:by DownvoteMichDoch. Rvl-Rh80vこういうのが27万回再生されている事実.
Is this really meant to be taken seriously?
I should get around to updating my signature. Title, Winter morning in Norway (on thin sea ice 3). Filmed with Canon XAand GoPro. Abonnez-vous sur ma chaîne!
MbJsL1g2HLM idzie mi jak krew z nosa.