Ideas free to stream and download. TED organizer Chris Anderson objected via his Twitter account, leading to a Twitter skirmish between them. Search by any mood or topic, from tech and science to the surprises of your own psychology. TED talks Информационный портал.
TED это – идеи, достойные распространения. Все лучшие TED выступления, конференции TEDx, образовательные мультики TED ed.
The TED main dataset contains information about all talks including number of views, number of comments, descriptions, speakers and titles. Here are some talks to turn to if . Качество озвучки от нормального до отличного. Все видео озвучены людьми, а не машинами.
Do you need a space to help expand your vision? Curious about what goes down at TED HQ? The TED Residency program is an incubator for breakthrough ideas. Dear APA Style Experts,. References include the who-when-what-where information that, ideally, allows your reader to find not just the source .
TED Talks by TED Residents. See that smile at the end of the rainbow. Apparently TED has some ideas, and we should spread them. The talk was held in Boston, and its nebulous-sounding subject (“The Uses of Natural History,” a title that conceals its greatness well) helped lay the groundwork for the . Feel like getting inspire motivated or just looking for a feel-good cry?
TED — which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design — features . Идеи людей, знания которых по-настоящему имеют значение, должны обязательно облететь весь мир — такова миссия TED. Подписывайтесь на страницу TED. TED comes to a cinema near you. Watch in a special experience for cinemas, captured live.
Denne uken tipser vi deg om tre Ted Talks som informerer og inspirerer markedsførere til å bli bedre historiefortellere. Video of all Talks from the TEDMED Stage are available, free to the world. View thought provoking talks from leaders inside and outside of the medical industry. Поскольку все они посвящены невообразимо интересным темам, даже сложно предположить, какие пользуются наибольшим .