
Surfinia was the very first vegetative Petunia series. Europe, where brilliant cascades fall from window boxes everywhere. This vigorous series is perfect for large containers, hanging baskets and landscape beds.

Growers should produce . Two flower types, classic large flowered and the Baby types with blooms only 1″ smaller. Vigorous trailing habit.

Items – Browse J Parkers range of trailing surfinia petunia. Beautiful free flowering plants ideal for hanging baskets, planters and containers. Our surfinia range includes twelve separate flower colours and two mixtures.

Ser jo når jeg søker hos frøforhandlerne at de har et godt utvalg av frø til Petunia i alle varianter, enkle , fyllte, lave og hengende. A cascade of colour all summer long! Petunia surfinia plants are unsurpassable for their prolific trailing growth and smothering of trumpet shaped blooms.

Common name: Trailing Petunias. This is a relatively recent addition to the Petunia range and is generally treated as a half hardy perennial in the UK. They are quite tolerant to wind and rain and provided they are deadheaded regularly, they will flower until the onset of frost, after which, they should be lifte potted .

Nazwą tą określa się liczne odmiany petunii o zwisających pędach. Pierwsze odmiany surfinii wyhodowali Japończycy przy zastosowaniu technik inżynierii genetycznej. W Europie surfinia pojawiła się dopiero pod koniec lat 90. Original Trialing Petunia. Introduced in the nineties and still the top of the bill on the European market: No.

A vigorous grower, it will be a showy addition to the landscape, as well as hanging baskets, patio pots and window boxes. They will flower the best throughout the season when you use Proven Winners fertilizers and irrigate with Proven . These varieties were bred for high flower count while retaining a large flower size. We stock a great range of products at everyday prices.

Clubcard points on every order. Compact plants flower profusely and early, presenting excellent coverage in a 4-inch pots and baskets . Surfinias , also Safinias, are a recently developed variety of Petunias. These are the most vigorous and bountiful cascading petunias available in the world today – the ones seen spilling from window boxes and baskets in waterfalls of brilliant colour.

Weather tolerant of both win sun and rain. Suitable for hanging baskets, window boxes or large containers. Plants are fast growing and bloom profusely from spring through fall.

They are robust and offer superb weather tolerance and disease resistance – withstanding . Early spring to late autumn in warmer climates. Up until about a week ago they were splendid and full of large flowers.

Now the leaves on the ones in the bottom layer are turning brown, the heads are dying quickly and new heads are dying . Create billowing containers, window boxes, hanging baskets or a carpet of color in landscape beds all summer long. The dense foliage is covered with masses of fragrant blooms all . Elegant white flowers feature a pattern of five soft pink hearts. The hearts grow with love, care and adequate fertilizer.

It is also vigorous and low maintenance, disease resistant and also very weather resistant.