Brown swiss

Brown Swiss is a North American breed of dairy cattle. It derives from the Alpine Braunvieh. After the Holstein Friesian, it has the second-highest annual milk yield , over 0kg (20lb) per annum.

The milk contains on average butterfat and 3. The beautiful brown cows were developed in the north-eastern part of Switzerland.

They are claimed to be the second highest milk producers, and come from the Alpine pastures of Switzerland. While these cattle are classified as a dairy breed in the United States, they are often considered a dual-purpose breed elsewhere, as they are heavier boned and thicker fleshed than the cattle of the other . However, about percent of the area is covered with rocks, lakes, rivers, snow- capped mountains, and glaciers, and there are only about eight million . Opprinnelig en relativt sent utviklet rase med stor holdbarhet. Gråbrun farge med lys mulering. Utbredt i store deler av verden.

It is a global breed whose heat tolerance, strength, foraging ability and residual value is now being embraced widely by Australian Dairy Farmers who are using genetics from around the world.

TD x Wonderment x Migel. Continues to Add Daughters and He Keeps Going Up! Rare Combination: High Milk Production Complementing his Elite Type Ranking! This page will keep everyone updated with show dates, , barn meetings and sales. Its milk production perfectly balances quality and quantity.

The breed is versatile and able to adapt its production needs to the feed supply available. Also, its milk production is persistent throughout the whole lactation. The goal of the Federation is to promote the . HAMSTER, Payssli x Huray.

HERCULE, Asterix x Juhus. HUXION GNR, Huxoy x Traction. IFEELING, Volvo x PO Payoff.

Bull Name, EMIVAL, Pedigree . With an average of 0kg of milk, fat and 3. In addition to the milk production and the udder special emphasis on the adaptability, durability and its solid foundation of the animals in the breeding. The favorable composition of the milk protein, especially for cheese making are considered in the .

View our entire hand-crafted wildlife collection online today. Do a search on the Internet, or look in your cattle. Milking Shorthorns have also been added to the Premier Sale.