Vlad ii draculesti

Born an illegitimate son of Mircea I of Wallachia, he spent his youth at the court of Sigismund of Luxembourg, who made him a member of the Order . Rapporter et annet bilde Rapporter det støtende bildet. Såsom Valakiets härskare var han officiellt en vasall under kungen av Ungern. Han var far till den mer kände Vlad III Dracula.

The line of the Drăculești began with Vlad II Dracul, son of one of the most important rulers of the Basarab dynasty, Mircea cel Bătrân. Su apodo Dracul procede de su pertenencia a la Orden del Dragón, una orden caballeresca creada por los emperadores . He was the oldest son of Vlad II Dracul and brother of Vlad Țepeș and Radu the Handsome. He was grandson of his namesake Mircea cel Bătrân. Hij was de vader van Mircea II, Vlad de Monnik, Vlad III Dracula (ook bekend als de Spietser) en Radu III de Schone.

Vlad je bil nezakonski sin Mircee I. Conseguiu o trono valaquiano após sair do exílio na Transilvânia e vencer o príncipe Alexandre I da Valáquia. The 15th century was a very volatile time in Wallachia, with the throne passing first from one then to another of the many princes that desired it. Both of his younger brothers, Vlad III and Radu, had . Danesti and Basarab, the latter producing Mircea the Elder whose illegitimate son Vlad II started the Draculesti clan. This designation earned Vlad II a new surname: Dracul.

The name came from the old Romanian word for dragon, drac. His son, Vlad III, would .