Portulaca oleracea

Portulaca oleracea is an annual succulent in the family Portulacaceae, which may reach centimetres (in) in height. Approximately forty cultivars are currently grown. Urtemedisin › Medisinplanter Bufret Lignende 2. Det finnes to underarter av portulakk, ugrasportulakk (eller vill portulakk), og hageportulakk ( eller matportulakk).

Det er hageportulakk som dyrkes og brukes som grønnsakplante. A rare subclass of Homoisoflavonoids, from the plant, showed in vitro cytotoxic activities towards four human cancer cell lines.

Use is contraindicated during pregnancy and for those with cold and weak digestion. Purslane is a clinically . Although it is likely native to North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, it had reached North America by pre-Columbian times and was in Europe by the . They found three morphological groups, that form a clime: (1) cool temperate, (2) warm temperate to subtropic and (3) . Other Common Names: akulikuli kula pigweed. Data Source and Documentation . Although purslane is grown as a vegetable (stems and leaves) in some parts of the worl many American gardeners know it best as a prostrate, summer annual lawn weed that produces small non-showy yellow flowers. It is only certain large- flowered .

This plant possesses mucilaginous substances which are of . Although considered one of the ten most noxious weeds in the world , common purslane is commonly eaten as a leafy vegetable. Reportedly, purslane has more omega-fatty acids and antioxidants than any other food. It has long been used as an animal fodder, and it can lower cholesterol levels in chicken . Distribution: Widespread in all states except Tasmania. Common Name: Pigwee purslane, and several aboriginal names including munyeroo.

Derivation of Name: Portulaca. PLANTS: Portulaca neglecta. Latin, meaning pertaining . Fields , lawns, disturbed areas. The plant is self-fertile. Phil Westra, Colorado State University, Bugwood.

Axillary hairs inconspicuous, to mm long. Leaves obovate to oblanceolate, to mm long. Flowers in 2–30- flowered heads. Petals 4–mm long, scarcely exceeding the sepals, yellow.

It has smooth, reddish, mostly prostrate stems and alternate leaves clustered at stem joints and.