Mycoplasma pneumoniae

De fleste sykdomsforløpene er milde med feber, influensaliknende symptomer, hodepine, sår hals og heshet. Lungebetennelse opptrer bare i knapt av tilfellene. Ved mykoplasmainfeksjon utvikler symptomene seg vanligvis langsomt . It is a human pathogen that causes the disease mycoplasma pneumonia , a form of atypical bacterial pneumonia related to cold agglutinin disease.

Bufret Oversett denne siden 7. MP is known as an atypical pneumonia and is sometimes called “walking pneumonia.

It spreads quickly in crowded areas, such as schools, college . Mykoplasmer er bakterier uten cellevegg og flere typer av bakterien er kjent for å gi sykdom hos mennesker. This article looks at transmission, symptoms, and treatment. Apart from respiratory tract infections, this organism is also responsible for producing a wide spectrum of non-pulmonary manifestations . Meseguer MA(1), Alvarez A, Rejas MT, Sánchez C, Pérez-Díaz JC, Baquero F. Author information: (1)Department of Microbiology, Ramón y Cajal Hospital, National Institute of Health (INSALUD), Madrid . Walking pneumonia from mycoplasma is most common in children, military recruits, and adults younger than 40. Continue Reading Below .

You can catch one of these infections when someone who is sick coughs or sneezes and sends droplets with the bacteria into the air. Hvorfor får man infeksjon med mycoplasma pneumonia ? Smitte krever temmelig tett kontakt. Mycoplasmainfeksjon er smittsom.

Derfor ses smitte særlig mellom familiemedlemmer, i skoler og i . Bakterien kan forårsake øvre og nedre luftveisinfeksjoner. Symptomene utvikler seg . Authoritative facts about the skin from DermNet New Zealand. Источником респираторных инфекций, вызванных M. Epidemiology It is relatively common in the paediatric population where it is considered the most common community- acquired pneumonia.

The chest radiographs and 1. CT scans obtained in patients with serologically proven M. SYNONYM OR CROSS REFERENCE: Eaton agent, walking pneumonia, primary atypical pneumonia, pleural atypical pneumonia Footnote Footnote 2. Gram-negative spindle shaped pleomorphic bacterium, which belongs to . PCR er en sensitiv og meget spesifikk analysemetode som gjør diagnostikken noe sikrere enn indirekte påvisning av agens vha . Initial infection with M. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) discusses lung infections caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae. Over the past several years there has been much new information published concerning infections caused by this organism.